Tom Palazzolo - Artist - Film, Photography, Painting and Teaching - Oak Parker

When Tom moved to Chicago in 1960 he was fascinated by the diversity and began to photograph all the city had to offer especially the area where he lived in a cheap room in the poor Near-Northside neighborhood while attending the School of the Art Institute. He has made many films about the people and personalities of the neighborhoods, and a book of photographs of Maxwell Street. Of course his street reportage attracted me, beautifully framed B&W's of the people and placed that surrounded him. I got to sit and go through a portfolio of fiber prints when I went by to photography him, a real life body of prints in my hands, it's been a while!
He and his artist wife Marcia have been in Oak Park a long time, bringing up their family while teaching art at colleges in Chicago and the surrounding area. Marcia's family has been here for generations. Seems like there should be a side project here, the couples of Oak Park, so many of the people I photograph has a partner that should also be in the project. This is a artist couple that continue to create and inspire, Marcia has an opening at the library this coming weekend and Tom has directed the piece on
Vivian Maier and continues to paint all the time.
It was a real treat to spend an hour at The Palazzolo home Wednesday morning, see all the photos, painting and reals of film and to meet this lovely couple.
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